Wednesday, May 27, 2009

no sun

just the patter of rain
on tender new leaves


Birdman said...

Soothing shot... so green, so peaceful, so elegant!

The Slates said...

What a beautiful scene. As Birdman said, "peaceful" ...

Light and Voices said...

Your poetry is fantastic!

Cezar and Léia said...

And so charming!I loved these reflections and you got a beautiful picture even in a day without sun!Here in Brazil we have this week a dull weather, raining most of time! It's not good for my hair! :-(

Unknown said...

Beautiful, despite the lack of sun! Great shot!

Tanya Breese said...

The sun is missing here too...beautiful shot bratt!

tapirgal said...

Maybe it's a prettier photo without the sun. I love the colors and the composition of the trees.

Lowell said...

Green is the color of your world - this has almost an eerie feel to it...great shot!

laughingwolf said...

oooooooo love it! :)

VP said...

So much green in this image.
Wonderful and quiet.

Brenda Bowen said...

Sometimes no sun lets us see more clearly.

henny said...

Don't care with no sun. I'll spread the blanket and enjoy its peaceful environment.