Friday, July 24, 2009

skywatch friday: sky journal

Ken Leslie painted his piece of Vermont sky over and over.
This is a section of the installation of the resulting "Sky Journal" at the Bennington Museum.


Lowell said...

That is so interesting. Never heard of anything like it.

Great skywatch photo! Creative, you are!

Hilda said...

A different take on SWF! Love it!

VP said...

Original, but a bit too strange for me. You have found an interesting and curious way to skywatch today.

henny said...

A good idea for SWF contributors.

Rob Siemann said...

That's gorgeous! Very interesting and intriguing idea!

Malyss said...

It makes me remember of a character , in a Paul Auster's book I think: every day, he takes a picture of the same place at the same hour.After one year, the result is quite interesting and surprising.
I like this kind of artistic glance on the world..

Cezar and Léia said...

wow so creative!
Great idea!

Birdman said...

Now, that's an interesting take.

Ash said...

What a great idea! Fantastic!

Luna und Luzie said...

That is very interesting. Great idea. It looks like a lot of work!

Fio said...

Very clever choice :-)

Sharon Creech said...

I love this--love that you can stand back and see the transformation of the sky in all its guises; that you can see the sunny days interspersed among cloudy ones; that you can see the different shades of 'sunny' and 'cloudy'; and that someone thought to capture these marvels in this way!

brattcat said...

I felt precisely the same way about this, SC. Thanks for putting so eloquently.

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

An absolutely fabulous sky watch friday! We have a local artist, Karen Bjork Dischell, doing something similar with trees. Gotta be something very Zen about this process!


Anonymous said...

Sweet. This is the fulfillment of a dream I had about 40 years ago. I wanted to paint the sky each day for a year. After buying some smaller canvas panels, I started out with some enthusiasm but that waned with the smell of turpentine and linseed oil--a nuisance in my nose. I hope this artist gets some meaningful recognition for his work.

Pick a Peck of Pixels

Unknown said...

Very cool indeed!