Flip some flapjacks onto your plate and drizzle this liquid gold all over. You will be taking in the promise of Spring, of rebirth, of hope with each forkful. If you can, share it with someone you love. Happy April, everyone. And Happy Yellow Theme Day.
Hello Brattcat!
It'soooo nice to start my day with such a beautiful message and no doubt it 's "golden" like precious gift in our life!
Great Yellow theme!
Have a nice day!
Léia :-)
Golden yellow! Nice mouthwatering choice!
Great choice! Now I'm hungry! Happy Theme Day :)
Yellow gold. Like to have a drink. Anyway, a good application, but for April. Greetings.
I can taste it now. Yummy.
Lovely clever post!
I have really enjoyed your series, and the golden glow from the taop of the maple syrup bottle is a great choice for yellow theme day.
I am sure that harvesting maple syrup is hard work, although your photos make it very charming. I have a friend in Maine whose brother harvests maple syrup, and he fell in the snow while tending to his taps in the woods and broke his leg. He had to crawl bag through the snow.
Dave, the men and women who do this work have strength, courage, and patience in abundance. It doesn't surprise me at all to hear the story of your friend's brother. I did not give back story on the people behind the sugaring operations but they all have fascinating life histories. I think that can be said of nearly everyone we meet. The task is to ask, and then to listen!
wow makes me want to cook up some flap jacks. happy april every one
What a perfect ending to your sugaring series and for today's Theme Day. this sure does look good. Thanks for this series. I learned a lot.
The color reminds me of honey.
That looks sooooo good! Liquid gold, for sure!
Great shot, you make it look so wonderful and mysterious in that glass bottle with the slightly soft background. Yummy!
Sure, honey!
Syrup and honey are two of those products that remind us food is brought to us by NATURE!
Amber, liquid gold . . . perfect post for today and your sugaring series
The text is as glorious as the image. I like that very much.
Certain characters are attracted to certain areas and jobs in life. And they have stories to tell. As you say, it is up to us to ask and having asked, we really should listen to their story. Good approach to blogging and to life.
Nice way to go: to end your sugaring series on theme day with a bottle of liquid gold.
Why is it named maple syrup? Ok, I'll google it ;)...
First time I tried it when in the states, it tasted like honey, I put it all over my pancake.
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