Wednesday, February 23, 2011

off to seattle for the week

may your days be filled with warmth and color


Cezar and Léia said...

how nice!
Enjoy your trip!

Malyss said...

"Sleepless in Seattle" is one of my favorite films! Say hello to Tom Hanks for me, please! and enjoy your journey!

Birdman said...

You've got us off to a good start with this one. Love all that color.

VP said...

You always found something cool to photograph!

cieldequimper said...

I'm jealous! But... I'll be there in April.

Gunn said...

Looks pretty!
Enjoy your week in Seattle!

Sunny said...

Lucky you! Have a great time!
☼ Sunny

Bob Crowe said...

Mondrian doing windows?

Seattle is a very good place to be.

Small City Scenes said...

Say hello to everyone in Seattle. I'll wave as you go by. MB

Lynette said...

Love this vivid photo.

Sharon Creech said...

Love this stained glass window! Reminds me of Mondrian + medieval churches--what a combination, eh?

Kate said...

I hope that you have a grand time and also that you visit Chihuly's studio!!

Unknown said...

Very cool shot! 21ºC at the moment, it surely is warm! :-) Have a nice trip, Brattcat.

Luzia said...

Wonderful colours in the light - thank you! Hugs from Luzia.

Virginia said...

This is so rich and abstract and ........yum!! I hope you get to meet Kim and Chuck while you're there! Please, you kindred spirits must meet!!!

Library Jewel said...

I wish you were stopping off here! I'll imagine you with your camera taking this picture from one of my favorite windows.

slim said...

Beautiful colors . . . The Brattcat's abode? Nice. CIB & I will look forward to your sharing a few West Coast pics.



Jilly said...

Love the colours and shapes in this photo. I'm with Malyss. Loved that film! Sure you are having a wonderful time. Hope you get to visit with Kim.

irinapictures said...

Hope your Seattle was fine!